Craft & Mental Health

Make, breathe and smile…

Crafting with clay has changed my life. This may sound like a bold claim, but crafting consistently eases my mind and puts a smile on my, often very tired, face. I make pottery, and working with clay and its earthy texture has had an incredibly positive impact on my daily life.

So what is it about crafting? Maybe it’s the distraction from the norm, or the sense of creativity. Maybe it’s concentrating on something that focuses the mind and keeps the hands busy. Whatever it is, craft has the power to sooth and relieve anxiety in the most effective way.

I am a Mum to 3 kids (6, 9 & 11) and have struggled over the years with anxiety.

Cancer can do that to you, it can take away your sense of control, and of course it can make you feel very very sad. But it wasn’t my cancer, it was the cancer attacking the body of my 3 year old daughter.

The white blood cells in her skull had started to malfunction, eating away at her tiny bones. We embarked upon a year of heavy meds. I say we, because as any parent of a sick child knows – it feels as though you take the meds too. Chemotherapy and steroids caused her little body to swell as her resilience was tested to its limits.

I was also 20 weeks pregnant when we got her diagnosis at Great Ormond Street Hospital, and I wondered just how on earth we could welcome a new baby into our lives now.

I don’t know how, but we did get through that year somehow. The challenges of a new baby, chemotherapy, lengthy hospital stays and virtually no sleep, were a concoction that inevitably took their toll on my mental health.

A wonderful nurse at my daughter’s local hospital referred us for some sessions with a specialist cancer therapist, and she helped our little family unit to unpick a variety of messy tangled emotions.

My husband and I started gradually finding our feet again, emerging out of the state of trauma. Day by day things seemed a little brighter and our daughter was recovering well. We were incredibly lucky to have a support network around us of family and friends; something I know not all families in our situation have the fortune to rely upon.

It was around this time that I stumbled upon my craft, which very swiftly turned into a second form of therapy for me. One morning I randomly happened to pick up some craft clay that had been gifted to my girls at Christmas. I made a few bits and pieces with the clay, and it made me smile. The naivety of it, and the feel of the clay between my fingers was so joyful. I decided to buy some inexpensive proper mud clay, and this is when it clicked for me. The earthy organic nature of the material in my hands was just so calming. Every day I tried to sit and make something while the baby napped, no judgement, just to make something.

I began to delve more deeply into the craft of pottery, and after months of creating and experimenting, I decided to take a leap and purchase a bargain battered old 1980s pottery wheel on ebay. I quickly fell in love with it and decided to do an intensive course at Turning Earth Studios in East London. This course gave me the confidence to take my craft to the next level.

Thankfully my daughter is thriving and well now. My business has developed, grown and surpassed all of my expectations over the last 5 years.

I am forever grateful to my amazing customers to allow me to call my pass my job…

Engaging in craft activities can offer several benefits for managing anxiety:

  1. Mindfulness: Crafting requires focus and concentration, which can help divert your attention away from anxious thoughts and bring you into the present moment. This mindfulness aspect can promote relaxation and reduce stress.

  2. Creative Expression: Engaging in craft allows for creative expression, providing an outlet for emotions that may be difficult to express verbally. This can be particularly helpful for individuals who struggle to articulate their feelings.

  3. Sense of Accomplishment: Completing a craft project can give you a sense of achievement and pride, boosting self-esteem and confidence. This can be especially beneficial during times when anxiety may make you feel inadequate or incapable.

  4. Distraction: Immersing yourself in a craft project can serve as a temporary distraction from anxious thoughts or overwhelming feelings, providing a much-needed break from rumination and worry.

  5. Relaxation: Many craft activities, such as clay, knitting, crocheting, or painting, have inherently calming and meditative qualities. The repetitive motions involved in these activities can induce a state of relaxation, similar to that achieved through activities like meditation or deep breathing exercises.

  6. Social Connection: Participating in craft-related events or joining crafting communities can provide opportunities for social interaction and support. Connecting with others who share similar interests can reduce feelings of isolation and foster a sense of belonging.

  7. Cognitive Benefits: Engaging in creative activities stimulates the brain and can improve cognitive function. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing anxiety-related cognitive difficulties, such as trouble concentrating or memory problems.

  8. Emotional Regulation: Crafting can help regulate emotions by providing a constructive way to channel and process feelings of anxiety or distress. The act of creating something tangible can serve as a form of emotional release and catharsis.

Overall, incorporating craft activities into your routine can be a valuable tool for managing anxiety, promoting emotional well-being, and enhancing overall quality of life. Whether it's through knitting, painting, woodworking, or any other craft, finding something that resonates with you and brings you joy can make a significant difference in your mental health journey.

Thanks so much for reading,

Jenny x


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